Friday 15 November 2013

Shoe Heaven

I DEFINITELY need to stop going shopping on my breaks from uni! 

Every time I walk into any shop I instantly want everything I see! Today it seems shoes took my fancy...

I just cannot get over how stunning the Lawson glitter platforms from Topshop are. I don't think I've seen a pair so beautiful for a long, long time! These are the pair of heels I have been dreaming of wearing on Christmas day for months now. Thank God Topshop have helped me out! They remind me of Cinderella when she goes to the ball and feels the most beautiful she's felt in a long time. 

I'm devastated that I can't find the second pair of blue suede wedges on Topshop's website ANYWHERE! They are gorgeous and I absolutely need them in my life. I have a pair in a similar style from Next except they're in black and no where near as cool!  

Lets hope a pair of these beauties appears under the tree on Christmas morning..

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