Friday 15 November 2013

It's Christmas in Topshop

Ever since I did work experience as a visual merchandiser in a boutique childrens clothing store I've had a massive obsession! It comes as second nature to me now to examine every detail of shops in-store displays as well as their window displays. 

As I was strolling through Victoria Centre I was, as usual, tempted into Topshop. Christmas is fast approaching and of course this means all of the Christmas displays are out in full force, much to my delight!

Even though Topshop's display is quite minimalist and simple its extremely effective. The Christmas trees reminded me of when I was a little girl and used to slot two pieces of card together to make a tiny Christmas tree or a candle! I love it! I'm also dead impressed by the baby pink wigs the mannequins have on their heads, so cool! The block cut really clashes with the soft fabrics and fur the mannequins are wearing but I think it works extremely well. 

Although I really liked their window display (I have a huge soft spot for floral displays!) I wasn't really sure how it fitted in with the Christmas themed in-store displays?! I think I was expecting a bit more from Topshop for Christmas but who knows...maybe this isn't all they're giving us! 

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