Saturday 22 March 2014

Bed in a field

We have had Joanne for two lectures now and i've really enjoyed both! I particularly enjoyed the seminar today as she really encouraged us to brainstorm ideas, which is something we haven't been given the time to do in seminars before. 

My group chose to brainstorm ideas for our photo-shoot which we have to create a brief for on monday - scary! We initially were playing it very safe and discussing very simple ideas which have been heard and seen SO many times before such as a woman sleeping in her bed, a quiet field with a model in it etc or even just a bed in a field! But after a while our creative juices got flowing and we came up with quite a few cool ideas! We really liked an idea we had about the model in our advert having the best dream she has ever had because she used our fragrance, although we would make the dream a lot more wacky and humorous than the stereotypical dream of chocolate or a good looking man. 

We eventually settled on the simple but effective idea of having the elegantly shaped body mist on a bedside table showing everyone how much of a necessity it really is!

In the seminar it also dawned on us how little time we have left until our first presentation for this project!! This year has gone TOO fast!

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