Wednesday 26 February 2014

New York Trends

After getting back from LFW I had the wonderful task of catching up on the work I'd missed. Fabulous! 
The first brief of my new module was to create a Trend Booklet for New York. We basically had to choose things we thought were interesting, exciting and up and coming around the city. 
I really loved Williamsburg and knew I definitely had to include the street art I found around there in my trend booklet! It made me realise that in the UK the graffiti is nothing near as 'special' and most of the time doesn't really look like a piece of art, as the pieces in Williamsburg did.  

The feedback I got from Chris, on a whole, was good! 
Some of the positives were: 
- Good grid layout
- Simple and clear design 
- Excellent choice of images 
- Really liked the front cover (very punkish - Sex Pistols)

Some things I could change:
- I could make the font size smaller (10pt)
- Develop my point and thoughts on graffiti 
- After the minimalist pages I could include some VM that was the opposite. 

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