Tuesday, 18 February 2014

London Fashion Week A/W 2014

I can't explain how lucky I feel...

These past few weeks have been an absolute whirlwind! 

After emailing COUNTLESS PR Companies about work experience over London Fashion Week I finallllly got a response from Trace Publicity saying they would love for me to help for a week in the run up to LFW and then work two shows! Amaaaazing!

The week entailed of tasks such as writing and delivering invites for LFW, making goody bags for Boux Avenue and other PR taks but, the best part of the work experience was definitely working at both the Jean Pierre Braganza and Fyodor Golan shows. JPB was at Somerset House which was so cool! It was so amazing being able to work at a show never mind at Somerset House!! Fyodor Golan's show was literally outstanding. I loved every piece they showed and it was made even better as it was held in an 'abandoned' building which had been turned into a pink, fluffy paradise. 

It was literally one the best weeks, I loved every moment of it (even if my feet didn't!). It got me so excited to get stuck into it for real when I graduate in 2 years. So exciting!

And on top of this I got an email while I was in London confirming my place at LOOK Magazine for a one month summer internship!! 

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