Tuesday 15 October 2013

What's on my mind?

This idea of 'free writing' really got me thinking! It's an idea that when you're feeling particularly stuck on a piece of work or have got a serious case of writers block you do this! 3 minutes of non stop writing. No thinking, no nothing! Just writing!

I admit I did find it pretty difficult at times and, as you can see, my handwriting looks like a 4 year old has attacked my note pad! I struggled to constantly be writing something that didn't sound like absolute rubbish but the more we did it the more I got into it and I began to realise that maybe all that is in my mind is absolute rubbish!!

The topics we were asked to write about were all of interest to me which is why I find it strange I struggled to write a lot. I've always been someone who has to plan and structure their work a hell of a lot before any one can read it so maybe I need quite a few attempts at this before I let my thoughts go and I'm able to write them all down. 

The topics we were asked to write about were:
-Who am I?
-The death of the high street
-The death of magazines
- Write in the style of any magazine (Vogue)

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