Thursday 19 December 2013

What do you wear to bed?

Normally adverts just pass me by and I never really pay much attention because I'm too busy doing other things at the same time! That was until I heard the opening line of the new Chanel No.5 ad and I was able to tear my eyes away from Topshop's website just in time to watch it.

I am a massive Chanel fan so anything related to the brand normally excites me but this advert was something else completely! I found it fascinating how they used vintage film of Marilyn Monroe within it and how the advert was based solely around her! 

The fact the perfume wasn't shown at all during the advert shows just how powerful the brand is within the industry! Having Marilyn Monroe talk about how she wears nothing but No.5 to bed really enforces this to the consumers and also gives the perfume a really sensual and sexual feel - which is very Chanel!

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