Monday 23 December 2013

Twerking with Terry Richardson

I've ALWAYS loved Terry Richardson's risque photography and his wicked eye for it but ever since doing my presentation on Tom Ford and looking at his ad campaigns I've realised just how much I do! 

Terry shot Tom Fords eye wear and fragrance campaigns, which shocked a lot of people! Although this doesn't come close to the shock factor of some of his other stuff....

Some of my favourite images by him are his most recent, especially his photo shoot images with Miley Cyrus. As geeky as it sounds I was a HUGE nerd about Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana back in the day and her transformation reeeally shocked me! Although I have to admit I kinda love the new edgy look she's got going on. 

These images really show a completely different side to Miley and they definitely encouraged everyone on their rampage about her! I mean she's hardly recognisable now?! 

I seriously love these images even though they are hugely controversial, like most of his work, and I especially love the one of Miley and Terry himself. Her confidence is what makes these images and it must be a god send to work with someone who isn't afraid to show it! When I've worked on photoshoots it's draining trying to force poses and facial expressions from someone who lacks confidence and is afraid to experiment and both of these are things Miley has bucket loads of! 

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