Tuesday 2 September 2014

Photographic Styling - Taking a trip to the beach

This was my first shoot in Photographic Styling at FIT and it was so interesting! I've assisted on shoots before but this was obviously so different as its A) on a much smaller scale and B) it's not fashion! However, I learnt so much about the lighting, setting up the backdrop and setting up the camera. I'm really excited about this course as I will develop my skills so when I return back to Nottingham Trent in January I will be much more confident when we are required to produce photo shoots. I'm even more excited for the last two shoots as these are portraits and a 4 page fashion editorial. I'm praying I get the role of stylist for these shoots! 

This shoot was interesting as I have never really worked on such a small scale in photoshoots. I have either worked with people or large scale art installations such as window displays. 

We chose to photograph the perfume 'Aqua Savon' for our advertisement project, which I admit I had never heard of so I first had to research the history of the perfume and the brand before we made any decisions for the shoot. We eventually decided on re-creating a beach for the backdrop of the shoot with sand, sea and shells. In theory we wanted  to submerge the bottle into water which had golden sand at the bottom - which turned out to be not the greatest idea! By mixing the sand with the water we ended up with a mud-like pond, not what we were after! So we used our initiative and placed sand under the plastic container holding the water and that thankfully gave us the golden beach we were searching for! 

My favourite shots are definitely where the bottle is surrounded by sand and shells as this really gives off the beach vibe we were going for. Overall I am really happy with the results for this shoot and I can't wait to get stuck into the next project in a few weeks! 

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