Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Photographic Styling - Lemon chicken

My second Photographic styling shoot...

This time we had to create an image which could be used in a catalogue selling the cooking equipment NOT the food. Sounds easy but it is in fact very hard! It was difficult making sure all the pans, chopping board etc were all in shot but still looking quite natural as well as making sure the food doesn't out stage them! A very weird task! 

We chose to create a lemon chicken dish with a side of veg - broccoli and mushrooms. The next challenge was making sure the food looked cooked when obviously we don't have a kitchen in the studio! We had watched tutorials previous to the shoot which gave us tips and tricks on how to achieve this. We started by using coffee to brown the chicken off (they had been slightly cooked before class)  and we also used it on the lemon. We added grease to the pan to make it look like the oil that would be used during cooking chicken. We also added herbs to the pan to give it a more authentic feel. We then browned the veg with coffee so the whole meal looked as though it was ready to be served and eaten. 

We used marble contact paper to give the impression we were shooting on a kitchen counter top when we were in fact shooting on a wooden board on the floor of the studio. This just shows how deceiving photoshoots can be!

We experimented with the layouts multiple times by making the tea towel look like it had just been thrown on to the counter rather than folded and placed. We also sprinkled salt and herbs on the chopping board as well as seeing what the salt would look like it had spilt on the black towel - I really loved this shot because the salt contrasted so much with the black towel! Even though I loved the black towel in that one shot I preferred the red overall as it added a pop of colour - much more interesting! 

I really liked this shoot and much preferred it to the perfume ad! Now I just cant wait to get started on the last two portrait and editorial shoots!

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