Wednesday 4 June 2014

Cloud Nine's final ad campaign!

These are our final advertisements! We decided on a 16 second long video which focussed on the key elements in the fragrance such as jasmine and the bed sheet which links back to sleep. We wanted to keep it short and not use a model as we wanted  to steer clear of the stereotypical sleep product campaigns where a sleeping woman in bed is extremely common. We also chose to use subtle colours for this reason as the use of dark purple or blue is now heavily associated with the 'cheap' sleep aid products.  

We made the photo advertisement and the video very similar in style! We used all of the same items in both as we wanted them to represent sleep in the same way. The bed sheet represents sleep, the jasmine shows the key ingredient within the fragrance and the music we layed over the video shows the key qualities of Cloud Nine: purity, transparency and well being. 

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