Sunday 13 July 2014

Week three at LOOK!

It's scaring me how fast my time at LOOK is going!! This summer is going far too fast! Before I know it I will be living in the Big Apple for four months..ahh!

On Monday and Tuesday I was assisting Chloe on the main fashion 'Hawaiian' shoot! It was so nerve wracking but I loved every single minute of it! 

It started by packing all the outfits and accessories away in cases and getting them delivered to the studio - which could be seen as the easy part! The next day was the biggest challenge! Trying to find the studio was a mission in its self. After trailing round construction sights I eventually found it and arrived 45 minutes early which meant I had time to settle down and unpack all the outfits onto the rail before steaming. 

After everyone arrived, the photographer, hair and make up artists, the model and Chloe, we could begin shooting! I was in awe watching how the bare studio was transformed and especially seeing the hair and make up artists work their magic on Andy our stunning model.

My jobs included steaming each outfit, dressing Andy and just generally being on hand to help with anything that I was needed for! It went by super fast but I was definitely ready for my bed when the shoot wrapped, especially after the mammoth journey back home!

The rest of the week was pretty similar to the first two. Me and the girls spent the week organising the cupboard and making sure all the returns were being sent back before getting lost in the jungle that we call a fashion cupboard! 

There were so many shoots going on this week so it was pretty manic! Although I didn't mind this as I was getting excited to go home to see all my friends and family while on a day out to York Races! It was such a funny day but I can't wait for bed tonight ahead of my first day of my last week at LOOK! 

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